Thank you to our donors! Without the support of the community, we would not have been able to help over 130 students this year. Our renewable scholarships make a huge difference to students as they struggle with the cost of completing their education.
We are especially grateful to donors who have established lasting memorials by creating Named Scholarships with the Foundation. These friends of the Foundation have honored a family member or loved one with a generous donation that will fund their scholarship for many years to come.
Named Scholarships
Bertha Kiel Scholarship
Dorothy M. Bupp Scholarship
Judy A. Cantwell Scholarship
Everett-Rose Family Scholarship
Garcia Family Scholarship
Joseph B. Garrett Scholarship
Thomas F. Hums Scholarship
Merrill Lynch-Joyce Kuehl Scholarship
Jeanette Moeller Scholarship
Mary E. Nicholson Scholarship
Shaw-Wadzinski Scholarship
Simon-Rountree Scholarship
Paul and Patricia Sloan Family Scholarship
Lois J. Spahn Scholarship The Stanley Family Scholarship
William E. Ulbricht South Bend Lions Scholarship James M. Wilson Scholarship
Marjorie H. Wilson Scholarship
Mary Ann Zgodzinski Scholarship
The following three new named scholarships will be awarded for the first time in the 2020-2021 school year.
David L Clayton Scholarship
Elaine Garrett Clayton Scholarship
Gates Shaffer STEM Scholarship
Partnerships with other foundations provide the following named scholarships:
Howard and Marie Goodhew
Laidig, Inc.
Donor Recognition
Legacy Society members are donors who have included the Scholarship Foundation in their estate plan or have provided for the Foundation through another type of deferred gift.
Current Legacy Society members include:
Conrad and Mary Adams
D. Scott Brennan
Dagny M. Diamond
Robert C. & Janet L. Hamman
Michelle Hammer
James Hart
Msgr. Michael Heintz
Brenda E. Knowles & Paul Kochanowski
Thomas J. & Roberta G. Leland
Mary E. Nicholson
John H. Peddycord
Claude & Mary Renshaw
Harry & Bonnie Shaffer
Mary Jane & Bill Stanley
Norma J. Verduin