Your gift to the Foundation will have a real impact on the life of a local college student. Our scholarships help students have a better college experience by giving them the op- portunity of studying at the best school for their needs as well as reducing their financial burden. The Foundation also assigns a Board member as a mentor to each of our scholarship recipients.
Our mentors are making a difference by giving our students extra support: sometimes as a sounding board but always as a cheerleader. Your donation can help give a deserving student a scholarship and a mentor.
From a parent:
“I just wanted to take a moment here on the morning of my daughter’s graduation ceremony to reflect on how fantastic it is for her that you have chosen to award her a scholarship. . . .
More than just the generous award, you are providing her with a mentor! . . . I am so worried that I haven’t prepared her enough to succeed in the environment of college, and your foundation’s offer of mentorship eases some of my anxiety about her journey through this stage of her life.
Thank you for this, it means so much to us.”
A student’s comments to his mentor:
“Attending (XXX University) has been the best experience of my life and the Scholarship Foundation made it possible for me to be a student here. . . .Thank you for your support and encouragement over the past four years. It meant a lot to me to know that you’ve been one of my best cheerleaders throughout my college career. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
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